Monday, September 7, 2009

idea/exhibit #1 concept is a combination of the evolution of one of my old ideas of using an actual device used to make art (pencil, pen, you get the point, etc.) as art itself, rather than what it would create. the second part is the idea of color...our last studio was monochromatic (black&white), so it will be an interesting shift. at first i was going to do acrylic boxes lined with different gradients of color along the wall...turns out there's already an exhibit ("500 Colored Pencils"...go figure) that did this so now i'm still thinking.

oh, and for the exhibit...hmm, i guess on campus makes the most sense given its sort of a trial run of eveyone's ability to collaborate with one another, and i like the global heritage hall best because eveyone's designs will be able to be seen from all sides (next to, from above, from outside).

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