Tuesday, October 13, 2009


waffles at murrays. weekend of the 24th. also parents weekend.

not an earth-shattering deal as you know, i just wanted to put that out there. it'd probably cause some conflict for me since my family didn't come last year so they want to this year. idk if anyone else was gonna have this issue.


  1. Ouch. I have an uncanny knack for scheduling waffles at a time that conflicts with something major.

    Darn it.

    Well, the chances of conflicting with something else are high enough to make me think twice about rescheduling.

    Bring your parents.

    : )

  2. i hope you meant 12pm :P haha. Oh goodness my parent's knowledge of the art world is an interesting one... that'd be an adventure haha.

    well actually for me now its looking like my rents are just gonna come up in the afternoon so its not as much an issue for myself potentially. but i figured i'd bring up the subject for anyone else who might've been on the same wavelength.
