Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Does anybody have any tips on making a claymation video? I've never done one before but I'm trying anyway


  1. 1. Do it at night so you can absolutely control the light source(s).

    2. Whatever figures you are using should have some sort of adhesiv on them (even thumb tack) otherwise you'll have fiures that float around their area instead of standing still.

    3. If you pick up an object mark where it was (a quarter or some tape has worked for me).

  2. you don't have to use clay either. In fact, clay is REALLY hard to use. My favorite is to use action figures and redo their costumes.

    NOTE: use action figures that stand well.

  3. If you have a mac i can set you up with a sweet program for stop motion. johannastudios@gmail.com
