Wednesday, November 4, 2009


stuck as to where to go.... an suggestions?


  1. love it. want a print. high 5.

  2. wow. awesomesauce. wish i could see a bigger image though.

  3. Damn Professional. Colors seem stereotypical. Somewhat nervous about the whole b&w with a colorized object thing (I just see so many artists do that to make things "look neat" instead of making something that is neat. I'd love one more element to hint at what's going on. Also, the choreography seems squeezed into that square. You've got such FANTASTIC space on right side, consider opening up the left side to allow the effect some room to breath.

  4. i agree the effect here is great. the colors do work well as a rainbow but try thinking of colors that would be unexpected for the image. more negative space will really help to make the smoke pop. good work
