Sunday, September 13, 2009

her name is lucy

I'm a bit nervous about using this picture... can everyone tell what the white shape is?


  1. It's a bird. Maybe a chicken. Arielle this is your best work ever. This is surprisingly good. I'm EXTREMELY excited about this.

    Which means get ready for a hard crit: although compositionally brilliant, with perhaps a genius surprise element and great lighting (creating AMAZING concept): the figure and the chair seem unfinished, "studenty" and no where in the same league as all other elements. I would seriously spend some time putting more detail on them (CLOTHES PLEASE!).

  2. sweet! I asked a bunch of people and everyone got it right: lucy is a white rat.

    as for the clothes... I sewed him tiny pants and they looked AWFUL and really just not good at all. then I made wire clothes, which looked a little better, but when I added the props, it just looked awful again. I asked something like 15 other people and they all voted for the no clothes option, especially because of the props. so now I have 6 pictures of the 8 I'm planning and I'm sticking with my nudist colony!!
