Thursday, October 8, 2009

Money for web design

I just got a campus email asking me if I know any students who WANT MONEY for web design. Here's the email:


Linda Riley and I are working on designing a course for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( grant awarded ). We have funds for student involvement at various points during this academic year.
We are looking for a student or students to design a website for the course.
If you have students with "graphic design chops" but no web design skills, we can get Russ Beauchemin help them with the software end.
If you have students with "marketing chops" and no web design skills, Russ is the man for that.
If you have students with "web design chops" and no marketing or graphic design skills we might be able to employ a team.
Right now we are looking for students who want to participate and to earn a little cash doing it. If you have any of your students who may be interested in the project or who want to find out more, please have them contact me or Linda (
Thank you.
Jim Brunnhoeffer

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